Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Choose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Choose - Essay Example Rawls and Nozick have different conceptions of justice and liberty because of their divergences on deserts, government’s role in ensuring justice, and whether justice or liberty is more important than the other. The paper asserts that Rawls has a more superior theory of justice than Nozick because he relates his theory of justice to liberty and rights and justifies the importance of justice to liberty, while Nozick’s framework of justice may improve liberty’s basis for individual rights, but his theory can lead to gross inequalities that can be justified as moral. Rawls says that we do not deserve the talents and natural gifts we are born with and the products we get from them because we are all born with some form of social advantage/disadvantage in one way or another, but such social inequality can be fixed to promote justice. He asserts that people start from biased positions in life that impact their social status, which, in turn, shapes his conception of jus tice. Rawls says that a man is not born equal with another because â€Å"[h]is character depends in large part upon fortunate family and social circumstances for which he can claim no credit† (Rawls 219). People are not born equal if they are born with varying levels of social advantage or disadvantage. ... He argues that people with more social and wealth endowments should sacrifice for the poor to reduce injustice in the world. Rawls underlines the role of the government and institutions in addressing inequality: â€Å"What is just and unjust is the way that institutions deal with these facts [of injustice through inequality]† (Rawls 218). In particular, Rawls stresses that what is just is to redistribute wealth to benefit the most worst off: â€Å"Those who have been favored by nature†¦may gain from their good fortune only on terms that improve the situation of those who have lost out† (Rawls 218). In other words, Rawls is saying that people do not deserve what they get from their talents and natural gifts, if others in society are worse off than they are, and to correct this, the government must step in to redistribute wealth that can lead to greater equality. To do this is to just, according to Rawls. Nozick disagrees with Rawls and argues for private property ri ghts where we deserve our talents and natural gifts and the products we get from them. Nozick asserts that a particular distribution of goods is just depending on how it came about (110), where people are seen as ends, not means to an end, whatever that end may be. He states: â€Å"An end-state view†¦would express the view that people are ends and not merely means† (104). The paper interprets that, if people are ends, then the state should not see them as means of improving justice. In addition, Nozick offers three kinds of justice to argue that people deserve the talents and natural gifts they have and the products from them. He asserts the first form of justice, where a person who acquires property â€Å"in accordance with the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Input and Output Report Essay Example for Free

Input and Output Report Essay Field Names Customer ID (the unique reference number given to any customer that has travelled with First Travel) Customer_ ID Title (the title of the customer e.g. Mr, Mrs etc. I have done this in a drop down menu so that no other text can be given) Title Customer First Name (the first name of the customer) First_ Name Customer Last Name (the last name of the customer) Last_ Name Billing Address (the house number and street of the customer) Address City (the city/town in which the customer lives) City Post Code (the post code of the customer-I have inserted an input mask which ,means only six characters can be entered in with 3 digits and three letters) Postal_Code Email Address (the email address of the customer) Email _Address Holiday Reference(the holiday reference number is given to those customers that are travelling) Holiday _ Ref Destination (the arrival airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Arrival_ Airport Hotel (the hotel the customer is staying at) Hotel Payment Made (this field will be added in Excel) N/A Total Amount (this field will be added in Excel) N/A Outstanding Payment(this field will be added in Excel) N/A Design and creation of Database Spreadsheet 3.1 Data Capture Form for Invoice 3.2 Data Capture Form for E-Ticket Data Captured Field Names Customer ID (the unique reference number given to any customer that has travelled with First Travel) Customer_ ID Title (the title of the customer e.g. Mr, Mrs etc. I have done this in a drop down menu so that no other text can be given) Title Customer First Name (the first name of the customer) First_ Name Customer Last Name (the last name of the customer) Last_ Name Billing Address (the house number and street of the customer) Address City (the city/town in which the customer lives) City Post Code (the post code of the customer-I have inserted an input mask which ,means only six characters can be entered in with 3 digits and three letters) Postal_Code Email Address (the email address of the customer) Email _Address Holiday Reference(the holiday reference number is given to those customers that are travelling) Holiday _ Ref Departure Airport (the departure airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Departure _ Airport Arrival Airport (the arrival airport of the customer, it will be given as a three letter code) Arrival_ Airport Flight Time (Outbound) FTO Flight Time (Inbound) FTI Hotel (the hotel the customer is staying at) Hotel 3.3 Unique Excel Additions Unique Excel Additions Descriptions Formula MIN The MIN function finds the minimum value in any range. I my case it finds the holiday with lowest price. =MIN(RANGE) MAX The MAX function finds the maximum value in any range. I my case it finds the holiday with highest price. =MAX(RANGE) AVERAGE The AVERAGE function finds the average value in any range. I my case it finds the average price of a holiday. =AVERAGE(RANGE) ABOSOLUTE CELL REFRENCING (ABR) ABR uses a fixed cell to link to, so the formula can be replicated over a range. In my case I used it to find the insurance and VAT prices. =(CELL)*$(letter of cell)$(number of cell)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

From Spiritual Leader to English Milk Maid: Colonialism and Maasai Women :: Essays Papers

From Spiritual Leader to English Milk Maid: Colonialism and Maasai Women Before Western imposition of the nation "state," Maasai men and women maintained overlapping positions of power and social prestige among varying age groups. For centuries, "there was no clear, gendered distinction between the "domestic" and the "public/political" domains, or among social, economic and political activities" (36). Yet with the new colonial "parameters of male Maasai power" beget from Western social systems, the Maasai embraced "new modes of control and authority, becoming something that might be called "patriarchal" "(16). In this new pastoralist system, ethnic variances were disregarded, capitalistic profit drove foreign-native relations and Maasai women lost the place of honor and authority within Maasai conceptions of being Maasai. Prior to colonial contact, married women were significantly more influential than commonly supposed. In terms of wealth and economy, married women kept a sizeable crop of her own cattle with exclusive rights to milk and byproducts of her herd and "maintained links with neighboring agricultural groups, trading surplus milk, hides, smallstock and even donkeys for the needed grain and food stuffs" (30). Women traditionally "traveled to markets and trading settlements", visited "friends and relatives at neighboring homesteads" (27) and were free to take lovers prior to and after marriage, so long as traditional household duties were not neglected (31). Moreover, women were able to lobby judicial proceedings and mediate relationships between Maasai and God, thus expressing "moral authority" and power (33). However, beginning in 1890, Western colonialism reshaped the Maasai's perception of who they should be. Though the German colonialism was "uneven" and "limited," it weakened the Maasai through disease, and established the practice of "state rule" (37). Conforming the Maasai "to colonial, and then national, agendas of progress", the "assertion and expansion of state power" reordered Maasai lives and livelihoods to suit Western needs (275). Subsequent British rule in the 1900s "expanded" on state authority with tribal relocations and new heads of households, enforcing "neat alignments of ethnic identity with territorial identity" on a mobile and nomadic people. Frustrated Westerners created a "political hierarchy of Africans" to ruled through co-optation (61) and instituted colonial taxes upon the men, disrupting cattle ownership among men and women (69). Even in the 1960s, continuing "a potentially lucrative source of state revenue", foreign organizations spent millions of dollars on the development of Maasai "productivity", yet the programs held no cultural sensitivity and flopped.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Diabetic Clinic For Ethnic Minority Health And Social Care Essay

This papers sets out the Isleworth wellness Centre for cultural minority nurse led diabetic clinic an ambitious docket for transmutation within the diabetic community wellness and present the most informed information and engineering system that will offer them choice service and authorise the manner of intervention, direction and diagnostic of Diabetes in the London borough of Hounslow. Harmonizing to intervention record of outpatient in Edward junior, Isleworth wellness Centre[ I ]indicates that 2.3 % ( ) of its current patients are diabetics. It ‘s on this respect that the undertaking was based to put apace with of all time demanding challenges of its patient ‘s multi-ethnic and multiracial human ecology of the British populace in partnership with Hounslow primary attention trust and the NHS to prolong and accomplish wellness for all challenges in the[ two ]twenty-first century. ( Hounslow primary attention trust ) In order to accomplish these challenges, the pattern come up with a program to spread out its current service of beside offering general patterns, besides offers specialist signifier of diabetic clinic that will cut down in its current signifier of extremely dependent onto infirmary referrals and long waiting line of exigency and accident Centres to acquire a speedy aid by the patients. The recent partnership formation by Isleworth wellness Centre with five other hot spot countries GPs of extremely vulnerable diabetes inhabited parts of Hounslow borough will do the Centre the most alone in its approached in ego readiness in undertaking this undetected threat within the society ‘s wellness and enrich this groups and all other suffers with chance to acquire information online, advice and aid required that will do them self pull off their diabetic state of affairs under control. The South Asiatic people of Indian beginning feel that they have been neglected and left out with small aid and that make them the disregarded category of people that live in countries societal deprived with no much societal comfortss and diversion Centre and less enriched public outdoor activities. The undertaking intends to counter these redresss in order to promote patient ‘s self instruction and direction system and set mechanism in topographic point to debar the degree of endemic of diabetes in the borough with a position of preparation, upgrading and heightening the service available over the intended services which will run into the needed marks and run into the people outlooks and aspirations with all the self-respect it deserves from our portion and that of our extremely qualified proficient adviser that will assist us accomplish this aspiration. The local population of[ three ]Hounslow borough is going older age and ethnically diverse with higher proportion of being black minority cultural ( BME ) group. There is demand of complexness of healthcare demand within the population and the pressing demand for better wellness attention service as the prevalence of Diabetic and high blood pressure is one that is of all time increasing in the recent old ages. ( Hounslow PCT ) 3.1 Project Title: Specialist nurse led Diabetic clinic in London borough of Hounslow Primary Care Trust ( PCT ) for Cultural minority at Isleworth Health Centre.3.3 BackgroundThe Isleworth Health Centre pattern support director has the aspiration us plan to incorporate four independently running patterns into one umbrella groups of GP who are presently called green creek wellness Centre. As the consequence of that amalgamation success, the pattern directors and the executive managers have besides thought of thought to spread out one of the chief patterns Centres, which is the Centre core operational countries for the four others to incorporate a specializer nurse led intervention for diabetic patient of Cultural minority who are extremely diagnosed group of people with diabetes. They have thought of dead set fount and three other countries where the freshly constituted group each wanted their single thoughts considered has triggered the pattern proprietors to bespeak our input in, transporting out a feasibleness surveies and countries assessment to give a determination support and suitableness of the locale and location within the range of the broad patients and local communities.4.1 IntroductionDiagnostic of diabetic disease can be of a major impact if non dictated before plenty to salvage life and the wretchedness of its complications including amputations and going for good disable.Sign and Symptoms of diabetesFrequent micturition particularly at dark Excessive thirst and dry lips Excessive hungriness Weight loss Blurred vision Fatigue Confused thought Recuring infections Slow healing of lesion[ four ]( Robert H. Phillips )4.2 PurposesWe need to increase consciousness of the hazards of been diabetic without cognizing yourself To give them a walk in clinic of their ain and build their capacity and assurance to portion each other ‘s experiences, tips and fast ones that made some to get the better of the disease more than the others. To advance s consciousness of the symptom in order to enable those who are non cognizant of their predicament of been diabetic could seek immediate medical attending. Making consciousness and publicity of healthy life styles by giving them the counsel on the best manner to self manage and avoid farther complicating of their life. Better on what methods could be used to circulate information in order to authorise patients and their households.4.3 ObjectiveThe aims of the undertaking was To acquire speedy and mensurable measure of people to be seen as their life improving and understand the complexness of the disease and familiarize themselves easy. To better self-management attention system among the people with diabetes and better entree to incorporate diabetes care services. To convey about sweeping in lifestyle alterations of this peculiar groups in modifying their wont of dieting and eating without impacting their cultural value and belief. To give them a engineering that they can utilize at their ain clip and infinite to acquire advice, latest intelligence on research about diabetes and newer medical specialties available to them on their finger tips. The diabetic clinic is puting self internal mark for patient attention and intervention of up to 30 a twenty-four hours where a sum of 7,800 patients diagnosed and cared for in the new clinic proposed in six months period. Supporting people with diabetes by giving them the best therapy available in the market by Management and control of blood glucose degrees. To cut down the Numberss of diabetic patients by bettering and advice the measure and the methods of avoiding the root causes, which is been obesity, fortune of exercising and feeding of excessively much sugary greasy and drug addict nutrient. In malice of the great paces that have been made in the intervention of diabetes in recent old ages, many patients do non accomplish optimum results and still experienced lay waste toing complication that consequence in a reduced quality of their life and such ruinous phenomenon could be avoided at every cost The wellness attention suppliers besides struggle to give the recommended degree of Nutritional information as of import stairss of effectual direction of diabetes and to protect those at hazard.5.1 Project range and demandsThe system to be developed is meant for Diabetic patients and other stakeholders to position and portion the resource. They can register online, book an assignments and acquire advice information linked to YouTube like picture advice and what other patient feel and state about the disease. They should besides login and question some of the pressing issue by station some inquiry online and acquire answer every bit shortly as it is applicable to the staff. Due to complexness of the disease it ‘s non possible at this phase to state how many users are meant to user it but it should suit as many people as it can defy.5.2 PremisesThe Centre has already some grade of installations that can be utilised for the intent of handling, reding and caring for the patients. There is one audience room available to the clinic and portion of the response to suit the new receptionist of diabetic clinic. There is besides adequate infinite to suit the GP outpatients and the diabetic patients to sit and interchange each other ‘s position in relaxed and friendly environments.5.3 Project JustificationHarmonizing to[ V ]Dr Rashmi Kaushal, adviser Endocrinologist who is specializer in diabetes at the West Middlesex Hospital estimates that 1 in 5 of the local people of Hounslow borough may be enduring from diabetes. This means that every bit many as 20 % of the population are most likely have some signifier of diabetes. In UK entirely there are over 2.4 million people harmonizing to the diabetes UK. ( NHS trust ) The research besides province that about 750,000 have the status of diabetes but do non cognize themselves and harmonizing to Hounslow primary attention trust at that place up to 10,000 people, are diabetes and farther 5,000 remain undiagnosed from the disease. ( NHS trust ) Hounslow is the largest place to Asian of Indian beginning and histories for 24.7 % of the population harmonizing to national norm of 4.6 % in UK. ( NHS trust ) joint reappraisal by the Diabetes UK and South Asian Health Foundation conclude that the south Asian who live in UK is about up to six times more likely to hold type 2 diabetes than the white European population and by 2025 diabetes prevalence predicted to be 47 % , will hold a greater impact to this group, if non averted at present phase where the warning is earlier adequate for us to move to avoid such contingencies ‘ . ( Diabetes org.Uk ) The undertaking will besides turn to those who could non make the service by puting an on-line web service that will convey to the bow most urgent issue of diabetic symptom so that the patients will do self opinion conditions to corroborate with a physician or non. The production of high criterion service to diabetic patients would be a really ambitious issue to undertake. Other grounds is for the diabetic community to hold an entree to free information on a web site, an online physicians advice and an online look intoing their current position whether one is enduring or non is rather ambitious undertaking to bring forth within the lifetime of this undertaking. The GPs will besides salvage some clip and money to better other general patients without the diabetic patients in attending of their services. Presently there are three staggering Centres in Hounslow borough those traffics with diabetic patients, which is run and managed by the diabetic charitable administration in Hounslow. Beside the three Centres that are making simple screen and referrals system. Newly proposed undertaking will further cut down force per unit area from the Centres by taking on board more of their patients in the waiting list. The Asian and the minority communities are the highest suffers of this slayer disease. As consequence many people in UK are deceasing at an earlier age due to type two diabetic complications. This has a batch of impact on the local communities and the NHS who should hold used its budget to be allocated to other signifier diseases intervention beside the diabetes.Hazard factored groups in UKThe most vulnerable and diabetes prone communities are people of South Asian, African, African- Caribbean, Polynesian, Middle eastern and American Indian decent are the most people who are at hazard of type 2 diabetes compared with the white population. They are vulnerable due to their household history, inactive, corpulent and conditions that triggers non merely type1, but besides type 2 diabetes which is known for undetected complication within those who have non seek treated earlier adequate. ( )The Diabetic prevalence in Hounslow Borough in comparing to other m ajor diseasesTable 2Prevalence of chronic Disease in London Borough of Hounslow 2005Local countries commissionDiabetessACHDAHigh blood pressureAAsthmaAAfigureratefigureratefigureratefigurerateChiswick 1,0052.00 %804 1.60 % 3,510 7.10 % 1,806 3.70 % Isleworth & A ; Brentford 11322.80 %846 2.10 % 3668 9.10 % 1913 4.80 % Central Hounslow 30834.80 %1972 3.10 % 7867 12.20 % 3190 5.00 % Heston & A ; Cranford 18304.60 %1076 2.70 % 4061 10.20 % 1836 4.60 % west countries 21503.80 %1408 2.50 % 6118 10.70 % 2759 4.80 % Hounslow PCT 9,2003.70 %6,106 2.40 % 25,224 10.00 % 11,504 4.60 % Beginning: Hounslow percentage ( choice direction and analysis system. Blue is the lowest rate and ruddy is the highest rate ) ( hypertext transfer protocol: // )6.1 Research studyThe undertaking research was conducted by a signifier of email contacts, by calling some of the stakeholders, the pattern through appoints and one to one interviews. Other on-line research was besides conducted through the university larning resource Centre and by go toing the faculties talks and workshops to derive more theoretical and practical facet of the undertaking viability, feasibleness survey and other signifier of executions.7.2 Undertaking Organisations and StakeholdersDR Edward JuniorPractice Executive DirectorDR Mohammad Rashidy Md MRCPDR Sowmya SreeharanBSc MRCP MRCPDr Pamela RaiMB CHBDr Asif MalikMRCGP MRCPNew Specialist NursePractice Manager:Michele LooslyNurse: Shirley SingingLead Receptionist:Christine PalmerNurse: Edle maskellReceptionist:Adelaide JohnsonReceptio nist:Kayleigh HarveyThe hierarchy above shows the Doctors and staff of the Isleworth wellness Centre who will be responsible of the patient ‘s interventions and undertaking long clip sustainability and success. The undertaking administration squad will be lead by the undertaking co-ordinator Cam faculty leader Mike forest, undertaking director is Dr Janet Cole Cam supervisor and undertaking Field leader is Mr Adan Ahmed Cam pupil.Stakeholders to this clinicThe GP practician Dr Edward junior The Hounslow Primary attention trust The Diabetic patients in Hounslow countries The Specialist nurse Mr Mohamed Osman Other Staff of Isleworth wellness Centre where the clinic is based The authorities Local council The Middlesex University Hospital The local Pharmacy Local stores, household members, friends and relations of the diabetic patients.7.3 Academic aimsThe academic aim is to acquire penetration of the undertaking direction and execution cognition as a hereafter undertaking director. The procedure of analyzing, planing and implementing of this undertaking will enable me as 3rd twelvemonth pupil, the ability to construction and develop project specification of the concern demands and demands of the client aim by accomplishing ends like, Ability to use undertaking aim Ability to analysis, design and construe informations as per the undertaking demand and specification The ability to understand the impact of the success and failure of the undertaking execution in existent life. Ability to run into coveted demands and restraints such as the undertaking execution in relation to, political, economic societal, technological, environmental, legal and ethical deduction that it may hold to the implementing squad and the undertaking lifetime and to that of the benefiting clients and patients at big.8.1 Client aimsThe current construction of the pattern does non suit much of diabetic patients as there were less resources and less trained work force to manage the state of affairs. The clients to accomplish the aspiration of its of all time spread outing demand for service bringing by the wider Hounslow population and the social-demographical alteration across Europe due human mass supplanting in seeking for green grazing land has forced the desire for enlargement and convey on board some signifier of specializer intervention for diabetic community in Isleworth Health Centre through the support of Hounslow primary attention trust..8.2 Personal aimsMy personal aim about the undertaking is to derive farther accomplishments to foreground in footings of undertaking research, undertaking direction, planning and executions as a hereafter undertaking director. To travel and make research in a new countries of medical field without holding a background of medical survey is a large challenge for me and to convey to the visible radiation the importance of the topic affairs for the public good. To stretch my ability in understand the complexness of the underlay facts that has non been brought to the bow for the improvement of this socially deprived group in footings of their diabetic prevalence within the cultural minorities in Hounslow primary attention trust. To believe further into complex and more critical issue in footings of peoples wellness and do research on them without have a medical grade, as an informatician is an accomplishment I am taking to develop farther so what this undertaking could offer to its clients in footings of reconstructing hope and success within their day-to-day life.8.3 Project ApproachAcademic aims The academic aim of the undertaking is to prosecute with the demands of the local community and pattern within the boundary of fit period to accomplish a certain standardized signifier of battle and present undertaking that will be good to the local society and to sharpen my academic making to that degree of undertaking adviser. The undertaking will expose a idea of a 3rd twelvemonth pupil thesis to turn out the degree of apprehension, the counsel accorded to the me in order to turn out that apprehension, certain criterion and process has to be follow and present the undertaking on that line of survey like prince2, DSDM Agile and XP procedure of package development and undertaking direction. What has been taught at the university has to be put into pattern and do it a world in order to profit the said community and highlight their immediate job and how best signifier of action can be developed from my accomplishments.8.4 Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS ) Activity programCalendar monthActivitiesMilestonesDate deliverables29 September Project feasibleness survey Meeting clients 17 November 2009 7 October Interviews with clients Interviewing client same 14 October Planing analysis study Meeting undertaking squad same 18 October PID progress degree coverage Desktop researching sameProduct Breakdown Structure ( PBS ) – Prince 2Documents & A ; merchandisesDeliverablesday of the monthsPelvic inflammatory disease First client meeting Interviews of staff and clients Feasibility survey Project team board meeting PID progress degree coverage Submission of Biding undertaking 29/9/2009 5/10/2009 16/10/2009 19/10/2009 12/11/2009 19/11/2009 Analysis Case survey of the undertaking Software usage analysis Earlier user instance diagram Design Earlier paradigm design Uml and database User instance Class diagram ERD diagram Sequence diagram Execution Execution model Agile procedure DSDM Prince 2 Testing Black box proving EVALUATING Quality Assurance Impact analysis9.1 Project BudgetItemDescriptionCostInitials Budget allocatedGrant from Diabetes UK, Hounslow PCT & A ; GP?10,000Nurse Training disbursalsSpecialist fee upfront and allowances?2,750Consultant feeCoding, proving and execution of package?750Staff engagingReceptionist and excess per clip nurse?2,500operating expensesRents, measures and others?1,500Equipments and toolTherapies, beds, Glucometer and drug?1,500Software and HardwareWeb development and other signifiers of tool?1,000Entire10,0009.2 SWOT & A ; PESTLE factors to see:FactorCould include:Swot analysis & A ;PoliticalThe authorities may present new system to do the populace to pay for their ain medicine. The populace may defy the new undertaking through tribunal action to exclude Cultural minorities given any penchant over the autochthonal people. If BNP won the election of following, they plan to take all none autochthonal people from Britain and this will do the undertaking relevant and useless Internal: The clinic has four other spouses where patients can be seen and treated at that place. The GP has other funders like Diabetes UK and many none governmental organic structures support. External: the rivals may besides dispute their competencies of Nurse led diabetic clinic They may open similar service and private patients intervention cut down their figure of patients hence cut down supportEconomicThe current economical clime of recession may do the NHS to prostration and hence undertaking fails as it depends on NHS for fund. New and inexpensive signifier of therapy development may render the clinic irrelevant. Internal: may non be feasible to run Cost of running is really high against the income from the givers like NHS External: the authorities alteration of program to provide for the cost of intervention The therapies monetary value hiking and patient could non afford to pay for itSocialThe Ethnic minority may non come out and seek intervention for fright of reprisal while others may non even both to seek intervention Making the GP to abandon the undertaking earlier at proving and rating period. Internal: the patient may became shy from male Nurse handling them due to their cultural barriers The patient may still hold troubles go toing the clinic to avoid going with coach, alternatively travel to their local GP External: the GP has no socializing installations like eating house where they could come and eat and imbibe and avoid all together Patients find boring to go to and from the clinic and avoid perturbations.TechnologicalThe find of new medical specialty by research workers for Diabetic patients may turn the undertaking irrelevant in its entireness and ends lifetime of the undertaking. Internal: utilizing on-line system may be excessively complex for staff and avoid looking at on-line engagement, doing patients frustrated The staff became excessively busy to read and answer electronic mails and make unneeded holds for the patients External: Most of the patients due to endorse land may non read and compose doing system relevant for usage. Due to habit of merely booking assignment through phoning of the GP, patient may non even use system often.EthicalEthically many Indians celebrate Diwali with really sweet nutrient and hence taking the advice of the specializer nurse for altering their wellness life style of eating healthy nutrient agencies giving up of their cultural belief. This may damage the credibleness of the nurse, in reding the them to cut down or halt all together any inordinate sugary nutrient, without exasperating them. Internal: stating the patient halt eating sweet nutrient may damage the relationship as it ‘s their cultural belief to eat sweet nutrient on Diwali twenty-four hours. Cultural barrier may render the service un of import to patients External: the preparation of staff and registry with GMC and NHSLegalHealth and safety has to be adhered to at all clip and former informations in the system should be destroyed and deleted from the system. Internal: cheque and develop the staff of the legal deductions of running merely cultural minority clinic. Complains like racial maltreatment claim against the clinic will be unsafe External: all staff should be registered with the concerned organic structures of professional making to fulfill the criterion of intervention offered.EnvironmentalWrongly utilizing their therapies like needle to pierce the finger may be thrown manner in the street and do environmentally risky for others. Internal: the usage of therapy preparation and disposal method should underscore . Patient may through it anyplace, this may ensue clinic to be fined by the council garbage section External: patients ignorance of disposal of waste stuffs may be accused of environmentally unfriendly The council could salvage a tribunal order for that ground as risky11.1 Investigation techniquesThe fact-finding techniques used this undertaking is based on field appraisal, interviews, run intoing the GP staff and the stakeholders, presentation of the demand of the undertaking and11.2 InterviewingThe complete portion one and portion two of the suitableness and convenience of the undertaking and the GP from the point of the pattern director, patient and adviser position will be included in the concluding undertaking as portion two will be conducted subsequently January to supervise advancement and all inclusions of all the concerned parties.11.3 Feasibility survey techniquesThe feasibleness survey techniques used was by carry oning interviews with patients and the proactive directors and executive managers, directing out questionnaires to the concerned parties like the Hounslow PCT, Middlesex Hospital and the local communities that will impact as consequence of this undertaking or b e a donees on the hereafters of this undertaking. A brief study was besides conducted by the undertaking adviser before many any decision to transport out the undertaking initial paperss to be presented to the clients who in this instance is my personal coach Dr Janet Cole and Mike Woodland as the executive undertaking co-ordinator in order for the undertaking to be approved and accepted as standardized binding application for the undertaking project and its viability to the concern demand and the donees and other stakeholders like external testers has to be put into consideration.11.4 TechniquesThe techniques that will be used are the web development linguistic communication like hypertext markup language, xml and PHP and Dreamweaver package for the web developments and MYSQL and Apaches as the database and waiter severally. There new readymade engineering of web development presently used in E-commerce faculty that has ready waiter and some basic input that does non necessitate to construct from abrasions at this twenty-four hours and age of engineering there will be no more utilizing of hypertext markup language and edifice web site with database from the abrasion any more. Two of this illustrations are shopify and magento amalgamation with Xampp package which is a free beginning. The undertaking direction and development manner used are Prince 2 UML and Agile. Other methods to be included are Swot analysis, Pestle, Rich image, and user instances requirement catalogue interviews and HCI11.5 Functional and non-functionalThis will done subsequently on the concluding stage of the undertaking, at this clip is non a precedence but, subsequently on as the undertaking advancement to its concluding execution and rating so this will became an of import portion of the procedure and will be to the full included on the finals study.12.1 Description of the current systemThe present system in topographic point is a rather boring one where 1 has to name for an assignment in order to see even their local GP. The patient so is been referred to hospital depending to the state of affairs and status of the patient. Then the infirmary will book an assignment for him or her to see a specializer in minimal period of six to thirteen hebdomads clip. Soon the diabetic patients queue in the same line with any other patients waiting to be attended to and this make the affair really complex for them when the patient glucose is flat is really high and that needed immediate attending and that you can non leap the queuing system and the patients can non shout to explicate to every that he or she is in a really awkward state of affairs and needed aid. The GP is presently holding merely one telephone line and when the one line is engaged than you have to wait for a long clip to speak to human and this made affair farther really complex to cover with in a day-to-day footing of the operation of the GP and forced patients travel to Emergency & A ; Accident unit of the Middlesex Hospital to acquire assist if their ain GP could non be contacted12.2 Design – possibilitiesThe design of the undertaking will follow Agile package system analysis and proving method to implement the undertaking as it ‘s easy to manage and follow up with upfront bringing and of PID, paradigm presentation and posting presentation followed by concluding study. As you design and review with traveling to a later revisable phases. Agile manner undertaking development life rhythm will be used. The undertaking will besides follow the Prince 2 direction and control manner of undertaking development lifecycle DSDM12.3 Proposal of alternate solutions recommendationsTo develop a web page that has all the nexus from Nurse to specialist Doctor to assist patient seek ego intervention with the support of available information and support provided by this site in a user friendly mode. The site should hold a full entree database that will separate the diabetic patient entered information from assortment of disease symptoms that will cut down the premise that the patient is non a diabetic but has related diseases. The queuing and calling the pattern to see a physician should discontinue forthwith as all the primary beginning of concerned is addressed at the web page where all the needed information and intervention is available at this site 24/7 and needed no physician to explicate the facts. The current Glucometer should be improved to read around seven major disease than its current province of merely ready digital numeral Numberss runing from 0-100 without lucubrating what precisely it is approximately and alternatively advice patient to seek immediate attending of a physician if his last known reading degree has exceeded the 24 hours reading in the memory. The Glucometer should besides provide for those who have blurred vision and added some characteristics that is of helpful to deaf and blind to assist understand their reading alternatively of seeking aid every clip.12.4 TimescalesThe undertaking will take to implement between six to seven month depending on the blessing of the interest holders and the undertaking direction squad. Presently the pattern could non do determination as to where it should establish the pattern of specialise diabetic clinic as there were new amalgamation of patterns that are scattered in five different but strategically place place and this consequence the urgency and desire for the input of a undertaking adviser to assist decide the undertaking location and justification while utilizing other patterns as back up Centres to run the undertaking efficaciously.DocumentsSTART DATEEnd DatePelvic inflammatory disease 05/10/2009 16/11/2009 Analysis 16/11/2009 18/12/2009 Design 18/12/2009 18/01/2010 Execution 18/01/2010 04/02/2010 Testing 04/02/2010 04/03/2010 EVALUATING 08/03/2009 05/05/201013.1 Gantt chartPlease look into the Gantt in the Appendix A on page 1713.2 RISK ANALYSIS TABLESNameEventuality programExtenuationBadnessInternalExternalProbabilityMeeting the mark Time constrains Patient acceptableness about Nurse handling them as specializer medium yes yes 65 % Nurse reluctant to take occupation Give nurse some clip off to develop Make certain other GP nurse do n't do confusion for the patient high yes yes 50 % Fiscal constrains due to recession Negotiate with stakeholders Fund may be reduced treating patients high yes yes Other rivals ‘ Private GPs may set about the occupation Patient may wish the service offered for wage but quality medium yes 50 % The monetary value of therapies may be expensive Reduce monetary value and even give free New Glucometer may be expensive for NHS to buy medium yes 55 % Technology Development of new appliances New Glucometer that can state when take therapy to patients is the market high yes 35 % New find of medical specialty Follow up and see All patient may travel for new therapy and leave the clinic medium yes 80 % Unanticipated failures Its unpredictable and unanticipated Any issue unpredictable should be all cheques and fixed as it go high both both 70 % Government alteration of policy May do intervention money for all Those who could non afford should be seek aid from charities medium both both 50 %14.1 Internal factors project hazardRanksNameDurationImpactBudgetInternal HazardExternal Hazard1 Meeting the marks 6 months medium medium both both 2 The figure of people overwhelm the GP Long term high high both both 3 Unanticipated failures immediate medium low Both both The undertaking has several hazard attached to, like the viability in long clip puting in it, where if a new medical specialty is discovered to handle the diabetic patients and drug becomes available at the high street counters than the undertaking lifetime will came to an terminal. The scientist discover cistron that is attached to human variety meats that can be treated with certain simple beltway operations and the diabetic patient get cured by this simple mechanism than the undertaking viability will besides be affected in a long clip venture earnestly. The current economical state of affairs of the state acquire worsens and that NHS became belly-up than the lifetime of this undertaking will decidedly came to an terminal.14.2 ControlThe method used to command the undertaking will establish on the Prince2 and nimble manner of direction where the undertaking feasibleness survey will be delivered and followed by the first stage of the paradigm design presentation and followed by the posting presentation to the clients and the concluding bringing of the whole procedure of the undertaking execution and rating in finishing the procedure by updating hazard log and papers readying good in progress for concluding bringing of the undertaking in guaranting smooth return over by the client.14.3 Project Report Weightings Marks.ItemsMarks weightEntire MarkssAnalysis25 %120Design45 %Execution25 %Evaluation25 %14.3 DecisionThe undertaking is non that complex and large plenty to make some kind of confusion to implement. The range of the research is excessively boring and complex as I have to research through 1000 of papers of information to analysis in order to come up with filtered informations that is precise, easy to understand and readable adequate to do the determination shapers to move and do decisive opinion for the undertaking to travel caput as agenda in this undertaking initial papers. I have try really venue to do it clear and associate the resource if farther elucidation are required with easy and flow of information both from the beginning and the demand to convey them on board to this papers as manner of legalizing the importance of the service bringing to this extremely vulnerable group of people to type 1 and 2 diabetes to accomplish the line of life of their life clip.14.1 Appendix Angstrom14.2 Appendix BHandiness of resourceNumber of sites has really utile resource of information for both the staff and the patients. The staff of the clinic can entree database of the quality result model administration that sporadically roll uping informations from GPs across UK and analysis to update the prevalence and diagnostic and other signifier of betterments done or received by the patients. Diabetess UK, patients, UK NHS and Hounslow percentage are few of the sites that carry rather good advice for both patients and staffs Access cyberspace web sites for advice, on-line information of diabetes, interventions available, statistical figures, cognition on diabetes related wellness jobs, petition for a free Glucometer and replacing therapies available every bit good as drugs available on prescription. Electronic mails can be sent in add-on to posting short message on the web site in order to achieve a speedy response from the clinic and other staff that are working in concurrence with the specializer nurse. Telephone conversations can besides be arranged to acquire responses. This may be ideal for those who are busy and can non give a speedy response by missive or electronic mail. Questionnaires can be placed in surgeries, dental patterns, and pharmaceuticss to obtain diabetics patients sentiments. Consequences from questionnaires obtained from pharmaceuticss can be retrieved from Hounslow PCT to see what services need bettering and what services are missing. Posters, cusps, media coverage, exposure of diabetes related diseases to do tobacco users cognizant of the wellness hazards.QualityUse latest information from the cyberspace ( e.g. NHS, Cancer Research UK, Net Doctor, ASF,, the database of quality result model ( QOF ) ) , medical and pharmaceutical books, medical diaries ( e.g. British Medical Diaries ( BMJ ) who are trusted medical publishing houses supplying information on medicine that can help the determinations physicians and patients make every twenty-four hours ) and the DH. Quality confidence cheques can be made to see how consequences are summarised to guarantee they are recorded in the best possible manner and in manner as to reflect true responses. The authorities can supply up-to-date information on diabetes, including the figure of diabetic patients in a peculiar part of the UK, and can besides supply information on what future programs are to set about the turning issue of diabetic diseases.DependabilityThe facts and figures from Hounslow PCT will be accurate as it ‘s besides a authorities service, so it will hold up-to-date information on local diabetes consultative services and diabetic disease within the local country. The PCT will look into with pharmaceuticss and surgeries on the figure of diabetes within the country and the information needed can be obtained from the PCT. BMJ have a web site, and to entree the medical diaries in deepness there are subscription charges, monetary values depend on whether user would wish diaries sent in the station and to see on the web site. British National Formulary site is updated by Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and Medicines and Healthcare merchandises Regulatory Agency who are responsible for the criterions of safety, quality and public presentation of drugs and medical contraptions issued in the UK markets14.3 Appendix C.The diabetic graphs harmonizing Hounslow percentageThe degree of patient positions and contacts and interventions done by the GP and why the pattern is sing the enlargement sing diabetes clinic is due the fact that it ‘s based in a strategically of import point of contact. The Isleworth wellness Centre is on the London route thatResidentialThe GP is within the scope of the most patient ‘s residential countries like Syon Park, ivy span estate, Brentford, greater Isleworth community, Hounslow cardinal trade Ford and Heston.Transport links- BussThe GP can be entree by coachs from Hounslow is H20 which frequent right in forepart of the GP and link the remainder of Isleworth , Tesco Twickenham and Hounslow cardinal to civic Centre while 267 coachs connects to shepherd shrub green, Hammersmith, Brentford and Twickenham town Centre to full good bus garage.TrainsThe nearest train station are Isleworth and Twickenham both walking distance and besides connectable via coachs 267, H20,418,281 and 237 respective in really root all this coachs are connectable from Isleworth, Brentford, Hounslow high street and Twickenham train station to southern trains that connect to the remainder of London via Waterloo. There is walking distance of 6, 10, 15 minute from Isleworth station, Twickenham station and Syon park station severally. Advantage The advantage of Isleworth wellness Centre over its rivals is that, the pattern is the most favorable for the undertaking to NHS and Hounslow primary attention trust in footings of its strategically place within the residential habitation of the diabetic patients and approachable localities via public conveyance, train and by walking in clinic makes it more convenient. Isleworth wellness Centre has late formed partnership with five other General patterns within Hounslow borough and can outsource some of its patients harmonizing to their ZIP codes to avoid overcrowding of one peculiar Centre and easy pull off the flow of patients attention and intervention with less force per unit area and this is a immense advantage over its concern rivals. The umbrella name of the new amalgamation is named as green creek health care group of GPs and their patient registered prevalence of diabetes. They are: Isleworth wellness Centre ( diabetes prevalence 2.6 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Ashford wellness Centre ( diabetes prevalence new no statistic found ) Bed fount clinic ( diabetes prevalence 5.9 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Chinchilla Centre for wellness ( diabetes prevalence 4.1 % Heston pattern ( diabetes prevalence 4.7 % Manor pattern ( diabetes prevalence 2.9 % ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) The current diabetic patient intervention and care given in an overall per centum compared to other Hounslow pattern and the national norm of the diabetes patients study is represented this graph tabular array below. Patient study conducted in 2009 and this graph of the several countries of response the patient gave their positions on the attention and service they received from the pattern. Satisfaction study of patient assurance to acquire aid and care support offered by the clinic in general in this twelvemonth ( hypertext transfer protocol: // The reply to the inquiry is in the signifier of per centum as per the general feedback given by the overall patients presently registered in the GP. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Rich Picture1: The rich image for the users, stakeholders, moneymans, the regulators and direction proprietors.18.1 Appendix DRich Picture 2: for the diabetic patient and its stakeholders connected to the service suppliers and carersBeginning of GP incomeThe GP in UK are contracted by the NHS in return for service to the populace by a formalization and wage bundle signed agreed in a charter in 1965 by the section of Health. The dossier which was called the ruddy book contains the expression to cipher the payment and intervention of patient per visit. The method was classified in to six classs: Service dependent income The basic pattern allowance The standard capitation fee The want payment Rural pattern payment Seniority paymentsAverage GP income for the last 15 old ages.Although this information was old informations that in 2008/09 reappraisal of wage bundle for GPs are non included and hence merely added this information for income of GP presentations which is derived from assorted factors lake age, demographic population and child vaccinations and immunizations are non included in this computations.Item199520002005Income including patterns cost63,991106,652230,097Practice cost21,70036,167129,927Income excepting pattern cost42,29170,485100,170hypertext transfer protocol: // Reference and BibliographyPull offing cognition and accessing demand of Hounslow people Hounslow pct study of 2007/08 page 6 of 52 and pdf file For more in for QOF database hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // entree on the 12/10/2009 at 13.25pm Income development of General Practitioners in eight European states from 1975 to 2005 Madelon W Kroneman, Jouke Van der Zee, and Wim Groot hypertext transfer protocol: // on 3/11/2009 at 20.15 autopsyPull offing clinical jobs in diabetic and Edited by Trish dunning and Glenn ward First published in 2008 by Blackwell Publishing company ltd e-book in e-resource of larning resource Centre at Kingston university, Page 5, 165, 177 hypertext transfer protocol: //, buttons.eBookView.sdirect? sp=S9780470698099 Date entree on 27/10/2009 at 22.10pm Diabetic prevalence in Hounslow the borough countries. The tabular array of statistic is extracted from this web site. hypertext transfer protocol: // the site was visited on the 17th October 2009 at 20.51 autopsy Diabetes a theoretical account of wellness attention direction p10 and p11, the paper was researched and written by William Laing and Rhys Williams and forwarded by Lord Butterfield. Published at Office of wellness economic sciences on October 1989, 12 Whitehall London sw1a 2dy World blind tendency for diabetes and signifier of practical damage hypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess Dr Diabetess hypertext transfer protocol: // Gestational diabetes and diabetic in gestation adult femaleshypertext transfer protocol: // for LondonReport – Diabetes attentionHounslow Primary Care TrustReport on the PCT ‘s public presentation on attention for people with diabetes July 2008 hypertext transfer protocol: // Accessed on the 18/10/2009 at 15.17pmFigure 2.2.6 Prevalence of Chronic Diseases by Committee Area, 2005The study on Hounslow primary attention trust on public wellness page 106hypertext transfer protocol: // on 11/10/2009 at 12.25 autopsyFor more in for QOF database hypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess UK desk at Middlesex infirmaryDiabetess UK and south Asiatic foundationhypertext transfer protocol: // Diabetess and south Asiatic foundation recommendation to reexamine the impact hypertext transfer protocol: // Mellitus, hazard factored group of diabetes people in ukPatients UK web sitehypertext transfer protocol: // on 31/10/2009 at 16.01pmRashmi Kaushalhypertext transfer protocol: // followers are the contacts about the diabetes clinic and diabetes direction in Middlesex university infirmaryMrs Parminder Diabetic specializer NurseTel: 02083216468MR Rashmi KaushalConsultant Endocrinologist who specialises in diabetes at the West Middlesex University HospitalOther contacts by electronic mail to acquire more of the undertaking importance to patientsdavidcahill @

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Body Culture

Chris Moss describes which sight that will meet you generally, when you meet up at a fitness centre. He thinks the fitness opinion is normalized. Too many men spend their time in the centre, Just because they want to get a great body and to be butchers. It has nothing to do with healthy and exercise. It's only for the sake of the appearance the men does lift weighting. He thinks that some of the only men who seemed to be relaxed at the gym are the fitness Instructors. They give a big part of their life to make other people healthy. The editors of Ms. Magazine got the same opinion In the other text.They focus on women and their breast. They think women and their view of breast implants have got out of hand. Already as kids the girls get feed with the form of the perfect breast by the Barbie mania. They think their breast should stand firm and high and out. Small breasts are now a kind of disease in some women's eyes. The editors mention that women often support the fight against breas t cancer, but a lot of women nevertheless have the breast Implants as their first priority. What many of hem don't know is that the implants can hurt their own body and destroy their health.Comment on the statement * â€Å"There is a link between physical beauty and sex appeal – and popularity, success, and happiness† The statement is probably how many people think. I am sure that many don't want to admit their thoughts, but this Is how many think. Like you could see In the previous texts about body culture, the body means a lot to people. Many look down at the overweight persons and look up to the beauties and the muscular ones. It's an evil circle. It is a very superficial statement. At least one part of the statement is not true.There is not necessarily a link between physical beauty and happiness and is a kind of naive to think such a thing. It is probably easier to get a job when you look good then if you are very ugly. No matter how focused you are on equalizing everybody opportunities you would hire the beautiful above the ugly, if Don applicants Ana ten same accomplishment IT you nave to see ten statement In context with the three other texts, you have to admit that it is statements and renouncement's like this one that helps create the ideals that so many people morbid try to live up to.This statement is very superficial and yet parts of it can be true in some connections. Write a letter * To your headmaster in which you argue for or against this ban Dear headmaster Brian. I do not care about your opinion about the dress code at school. I agree that students and especially girls are wearing overly provocative clothing. I do not think that it is the Job of the school to bring up the students, its Job is only two teach the students. You cannot do a ban, because they wear provocative clothing for leisure and not least when they finish school.I would say I have a better idea. As mentioned earlier, the school's Job to teach students. You can come up with some talking about rapists and miscellaneous criminals. Another idea could also be putting up posters with scare campaigns. I think many students will be affected by it. There will of course be pupils who will not be affected, but they can live their own lives and learn from everyday life and their surroundings. Best regards Simons Holstein.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Southern Defeat essays

The Southern Defeat essays It is often said that the south couldnt have won the civil war, well this essay is going to reflect the various ways in which the Southern states attempted to fight a losing battle from the beginning. The economic dependency of the South on cotton on slavery was well known, whereas the North had companies and technology. The advantage also lay with the North because of reasons such as better communication and transportation, and even more soldiers. The leadership in the North under Abraham Lincoln was more orginized than the that under Jefferson Davis. In the 1850's the North was more urban with a higher population due to all the Irish and German immigrants. By1860, almost all of the biggest cities were in the North. The North also had almost 3/4 of the railroads, and more telegraph lines to send messages instantly. The North had a lot more industry also, with its factories the north was able to mass produce guns, where as the plantations in the south were making.. cotton? well who do you think will win the war! (Source 1) The South had more slaves and more cotton. This was not any sort of military advantage as I said, and it just proved to the North how reliant the south was on them. The first attack at Fort Sumter was poorly organized and was expected by the North. Lincoln had wanted to attack, but kept the troops in moderation there so they didn't waste their men. This worked well because it worked out as he wanted and their were less casualties than their would have been if he had more of his men go. Once the war began, the military expertise of Ulysses S. Grant for the North made it an uphill battle for the South. His military skill alone was enough to give Robert E. Lee's forces in the South serious problem, but the Union army also greatly outnumbered the South's troops. Though Lee would prove to be a worthy general, his strategic downfall at Gettysburg would begin the destine loss for the South. (Source...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Should You Do What You Love for a Living What are the Pros and Cons

Should You Do What You Love for a Living What are the Pros and Cons Do what you love. That sounds so lovely and so easy, right? Pick your obvious passion, and find a way to get paid for it. Easy peasy†¦except when it’s not. Doing what you love isn’t always the easy option- it could require sacrifices, complicated decisions, or even the realization that you don’t know what you love to do after all. So what do you do? Should you find a reliable career path that doesn’t stress you out, but also doesn’t really excite you? Or should you pursue that passion project, and risk it all on that path? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here. Both have benefits and drawbacks. Let’s look at some of both.THE PROSLet’s say you’re feeling ready to turn that photography hobby into a small business, or take the job working for that tiny nonprofit instead of the wealthy conglomerate. What are the benefits?â€Å"Legacy is greater than currency.†If you choose a job that pays the bills but doesnâ⠂¬â„¢t feel like your calling, you don’t get any promises that it will pan out as the best financial option. But entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk is pretty militantly on the go for it side, arguing that you can monetize what you love, as long as you hustle.Money doesn’t have to be your personal currency.And I’m not talking about bitcoin or Chuck E. Cheese tokens here. Your relationship to your work may be your own personal currency, worth as much as the financial benefits you might find elsewhere. Don’t get me wrong, you still need money of the cold hard variety if you enjoy food, shelter, and wifi, but your personal currency might not always align with money considerations.You’re more invested in your job.If you’re doing something that engages you personally and professionally, you may be more likely to be attentive and creative.Stability might not outweigh misery.If you’re truly unhappy or under-stimulated at your stable-but-meh job, th e resulting stress and malaise could actually be harmful to your emotional and physical health. Some research suggests that happy employees are 12% more productive, so why not find work that makes you actually happy?You spend more time at work than anywhere else, so why not make it countWhen you think about spending 40+ hours a week doing something (anything), how does that make you feel? If the idea of spending that time processing Excel reports makes your face involuntarily scrunch up, that’s a sign that maybe you should look for something more in line with your interests.THE CONSNow let’s take a peek at the devil’s advocate side. What are the potential drawbacks of making your passion your career?It may close off other paths.If you lock yourself into a path you may have chosen as a youngster, you may not find it as easy to branch out and develop other skills, growth areas, etc. In his book So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Author Cal Newport argues that y ou’re better off bolstering skills instead of interests, and giving yourself career capital that you can use in various avenues throughout your career.There’s no guarantee your passion will be a fulfilling professional choice.Have you ever really wanted something, then gotten it, and realized that hmm, this isn’t as great as you thought it would be, in your head? There’s a real chance that following the â€Å"follow your passion† advice (you follow me?) isn’t a great long-term choice for you, once you get into the stage of needing it to pay the bills.â€Å"If you follow your passion, you’re probably going to fail.†Another Ted Talk-er, this time Benjamin Todd, a career coach, walks through the scenario of pursuing that passion, and finding that the work itself isn’t all that fulfilling. Todd argues that there’s no real evidence linking interest-matched jobs and job satisfaction.What if your passion changes?Most car eer choices don’t have to be made once and kept forever, but changing paths can be a major challenge. If you do choose your passion as a career, think hard about what happens if you wake up one morning and decide that you’re not so keen on that hobby that’s now your livelihood.What you love may not be where your talents lie.For example, I love TV. I love watching it, talking about it, reading about it. But as much as I enjoy it as an art form, the industry isn’t really aligned with my educational background or skill sets. Those are both things that can be picked up and developed, but personal investment isn’t always enough to make the professional leap. If you’re a rockstar at accounting, and can put together a profitable and reasonably satisfying career doing that, is that the worst thing in the world?How Do I Pursue My Passion as a Career?Okay, so if you’ve gotten through the pros and the cons, and still want to move forward with th is â€Å"do what you love† thing, there’s a major logistical problem: how? How do you get started? What do you consider? What do you do to move this ball forward, so that it’s no longer an â€Å"I should do this† pipe dream?Think hard about the choice you’re making.Career choices shouldn’t be made lightly, or impulsively- the consequences of your decision can mean the difference between loving your job and being unemployed and unhappy.Set a timeline.So many awesome ideas die on the vine because they get lost in the realities of daily life, and don’t have a schedule attached to them. I’ll do it later, tomorrow, next week. Once you’ve made the decision to pursue your passion project as a career, come up with your game plan. That includes timing. If you want to be in a new job by next year, start working on your resume and building skills now. Set interim goals that you can hit in the meantime, so you feel like you’r e making progress toward the ultimate goal of working in your passion field.Be realistic.If you’re 36, it’s probably too late to be a ballet dancer or an astronaut if you’re not already on that path. Turning to your inner child to help identify what you’re passionate about can be great, but this choice really needs to line up with the adult you’ve become, and your realities. Similarly, here’s where you decide if your love of Ukranian chamber music affords any actual job opportunities in your area. Dig in and do some research about what the job opportunities are for your interest.Take classes and build your skills.It may be that pursuing your passion means starting your own business. If that’s the case, learn everything you possibly can about how to start and run a business, and the various hardships you might face. Take classes online or in person to start building a structure to go with your new career goals.Be brave.At some point, y ou’re going to have to take a leap here. You should absolutely take the time to figure out if this is the right path for you, but you also need to be prepared to end that phase and just go for it.When you make the decision to go for it, understand that you’re taking a risk. But isn’t everything a risk when you get right down to it?What If I Don’t Know My Passion?A lot of pressure is put on the phrase â€Å"doing what you love,† that sweet spot where your interests, skills, and opportunities line up so magically. What if you like some things, are good at some things, but don’t know if that constitutes the kind of passion that demands a career change?Life coach Terri Trespicio advises you to stop looking so hard for that â€Å"passion.† Try different things, and don’t be afraid to fail while you look for the most fulfilling career path. â€Å"[Passion] is the full force of your attention and energy that you give to whatever is r ight in front of you. And if you’re so busy looking for this passion, you could miss opportunities that change your life. You could also miss out on great love because that’s what happens when you have tunnel vision trying to find the one.† Start by finding what you like to do, what you’re good at doing, and go from there. If you’re open to letting your passion find you instead of the other way around, you could find yourself on that â€Å"doing what you love† path without even meaning to be there.There’s no single way to pursue your â€Å"passion,† but as long as you put time and energy into figuring out a) what that is; or b) how that fits into your life and your career, chances are you’ll be just fine.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) - Facts and Figures

Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) - Facts and Figures Name: Woolly Rhino; also known as Coelodonta (Greek for hollow tooth); pronounced SEE-low-DON-tah Habitat: Plains of northern Eurasia Historical Epoch: Pleistocene-Modern (3 million-10,000 years ago) Size and Weight: About 11 feet long and 1,000-2,000 pounds Diet: Grass Distinguishing Characteristics: Moderate size; thick coat of shaggy fur; two horns on head    About the Woolly Rhino (Coelodonta) Coelodonta, better known as the Woolly Rhino, is one of the few Ice Age megafauna mammals to be memorialized in cave paintings (another example is the Auroch, the precursor to modern cattle). This is appropriate, since it was almost certainly hunting by the early Homo sapiens of Eurasia (combined with inexorable climate change and the disappearance of its accustomed food sources) that helped drive Coelodonta into extinction shortly after the last Ice Age. (Clearly the one-ton Woolly Rhino was coveted not only for its copious meat, but for its thick fur pelt, which could clothe an entire village!) Aside from its Woolly Mammoth-like fur coat, the Woolly Rhino was very similar in appearance to modern rhinoceroses, its immediate descendantsthat is, if you overlook this herbivores odd cranial ornamentation, one big, upward-curving horn on the tip of its snout and a smaller one set further up, nearer its eyes. Its believed that the Woolly Rhino used these horns not only as sexual displays (i.e., males with bigger horns were more attractive to females during mating season), but also to clear hard snow away from the Siberian tundra and graze on the tasty grass underneath. One other thing the Woolly Rhino shares in common with the Woolly Mammoth is that numerous individuals have been discovered, intact, in permafrost. In March 2015, headlines were made when a hunter in Siberia stumbled across the well-preserved, five-foot-long, hair-covered corpse of a Woolly Rhino juvenile, later dubbed Sasha. If Russian scientists can recover fragments of DNA from this body, and then combine them with the genome of the still-extant Sumatran Rhino (the closest living descendant of Coelodonta), it may one day be possible to de-extinct this breed and repopulate the Siberian steppes!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Education - A Way To Wisdom Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Education - A Way To Wisdom - Research Paper Example Most of his quotes attract the attention of the reader towards the fact that more the man follows his heart, the more he opens to learning new things and in learning new things, he becomes an ideal human being. Some of Confucius’s quotes that give an idea about his opinion about education and the way he thought the human being should learn are discussed below.Quote 1â€Å"What does the heaven ever say? Yet the four seasons go round and find their impetus there, and the myriad creatures are born from it. What does heaven ever say† (Mou 114)? Reflection on this quote reveals that Confucius believed in education that teaches the students to make learning a natural process. In the above saying, he draws the reader’s attention towards the way the universe functions. Confucius’s students were worried about his silence and thought that if the master does not say anything, how will the students learn (Mou 114)? In response to this worry, Confucius said the above s tatement. What he meant was that when things are taught through silence, there comes a harmony in the society (Mou 114). What he meant was that the observation of the behavior and the rituals followed by the master imparts more knowledge to a human being than the words of the master and the words in the texts. Knowledge is made by man. Men who ‘experience’ certain things try to spread it through words. However, the knowledge can become wisdom only when students go beyond words and try to experience what is being taught.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Faculty of Business Environment and Society Essay - 6

Faculty of Business Environment and Society - Essay Example Managing of international human resources actually enables an organization to compete successfully in the global marketplace, and this is a proper method for the employees development (Du Plessis & Beaver, 2008). The human resource managers allow their employees to go on international assignments without basic training or given time for the â€Å"transitioning†. The human resource managers have to put in place structures that develop the required leadership professionalism. The reviews on relevant literature would provide a picture of the affairs regarding human resource Managers and employees. The significant difference in between human resource management and international human resource management is the fact that one is related to multinational corporations while the other is related to domestic firms (Du Plessis & Beaver, 2008). The effective international managers are those who are flexible, adaptable, speaking in foreign languages, open-minded, and make friends from many nationalities (Du Plessis & Beaver, 2008). This is advantageous especially when a company outsources overseas in order to explore a new market that has the new lifestyle, labour conditions, and language. At the point when a business expects to grow to an abroad market, human resource directors need to use human capital keeping in mind the end goal efficiency and productivity. Human resource chiefs could counsel local delegates of an oversee business with respect to employment aspects, the country’s local culture, safety, traditions or customs so as to work in concordance with local procedures. In Dubai, for example, like the most of Islamic nations, the foreign women are not permitted to be employed. Hence, this will influence human resources worldwide recruitment procedure for the workers, as well as for wives of its professional expatriates. Diverse moral and business guidelines can likewise

Information Systems-e-commerce and the Internet Essay

Information Systems-e-commerce and the Internet - Essay Example But it is only after the inevitable dotcom bust in the early years of the millennia that e-commerce established itself as a viable and dependable method of conducting business. Technological innovation in terms of developing security software aided this process and so did the process of globalization. As a culmination of these parallel but complementary processes, e-commerce in general and electronic financial transactions in particular has firmly taken root in mainstream global economy. Since the beginning of the 1990s, and with the advancement in global telecommunications technology, e-commerce has really taken off. And online retailing comprises an integral part of this broader phenomenon. In advanced countries, traditional brick and mortar retail stores have extended their services through the Internet, adding new dimensions to the experience of shopping for consumers. New and exclusive online retailers have also sprung up to cater to the newly created demand by consumers online. While there are complaints and concerns about this new mode of business (especially security issues), there are also numerous redeeming features of e-shopping, without which the market share for this fledgling industry would not have risen to 10 percent approximately.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Five aspects of language knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Five aspects of language knowledge - Essay Example It is necessary to emphasize that there are several phonemes that may not occur in children’s native language. That is why there can be some difficulties in the process of language learning. In this case, a teacher should create a good instruction to make students familiar with all new sounds. A child’s brain is trained to systemize all sounds according to the categories common for native language. This fact frequently conflicts with English phonemes. To make the lessons more effective and involve the students in active participation a teacher should apply games, songs and poems. It is proved that children percept information better through such methods, especially when they learn a language. It is difficult for a student to learn phonics of a new language if they are not good at their native one. They cannot understand initial concepts of the correlation between phonemes and graphemes. There is also the list of vocabulary that is applied to communicate by means of a ce rtain language. It has been already proved that children learn their vocabulary by means of three ways: 1) active reading on their own, 2) listening to adults and 3) with the help of interaction with adults. Child’s language development may affect a teacher’s methodologies. They are different on various levels of student’s knowledge. Moreover, both delayed development and fluency relate to the acquisition of written knowledge. They also require changing the methods for language

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Model Assignment - 1

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery Model - Assignment Example present a brief but comprehensive picture about the importance and the effectiveness of the models relating to innovative nursing care delivery within the healthcare domain. As mentioned earlier, innovative nursing care delivery model can enhance innovation in the operations of the organizations within the healthcare setting. Contextually, proper means need to be adopted in order to ensure successful implementation of the model within such setting. Notably, such models are directly correlated with the approach of attaining overall goals along with objectives of the healthcare sector. The model is primarily developed in and around the services delivered by the nurses. As per the model, a humanistic approach must be adopted by the nurses while delivering healthcare services to the patients. The model largely enabled organizations operating in healthcare sector towards delivering quality services in a cost efficient manner. Continuous improvement in service delivery of the nurses is also an important part of such models. These care models include namely â€Å"acute care agile self-directed nursing teams†, â€Å"community-based nurse managed clinics †, and â€Å"rural healthy aging community model† among others (Norlander, 2011, pp. 401-407). For instance, in the acute care nursing team model, the care providers are designated to provide required to a collection of patients. Subsequently, nurse managed clinics aim towards providing required healthcare services to undeserved communities (Norlander, 2011, pp. 401-407). It will be vital to mention in this regard that such models remain much focus towards enhancing the safety of the patients in healthcare setting in an innovative manner (Zerwekh & Garneau, 2013, pp. 194-198). The above discussed model or the set of model can be implemented within varied healthcare organizations by following certain planned strategies and procedures. The models can be incorporated in several key departments within healthcare organizations

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Five aspects of language knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Five aspects of language knowledge - Essay Example It is necessary to emphasize that there are several phonemes that may not occur in children’s native language. That is why there can be some difficulties in the process of language learning. In this case, a teacher should create a good instruction to make students familiar with all new sounds. A child’s brain is trained to systemize all sounds according to the categories common for native language. This fact frequently conflicts with English phonemes. To make the lessons more effective and involve the students in active participation a teacher should apply games, songs and poems. It is proved that children percept information better through such methods, especially when they learn a language. It is difficult for a student to learn phonics of a new language if they are not good at their native one. They cannot understand initial concepts of the correlation between phonemes and graphemes. There is also the list of vocabulary that is applied to communicate by means of a ce rtain language. It has been already proved that children learn their vocabulary by means of three ways: 1) active reading on their own, 2) listening to adults and 3) with the help of interaction with adults. Child’s language development may affect a teacher’s methodologies. They are different on various levels of student’s knowledge. Moreover, both delayed development and fluency relate to the acquisition of written knowledge. They also require changing the methods for language

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pearl harbor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pearl harbor - Essay Example In 1940, the United States of America stopped the export of all aviation fuel, scrap iron, and other military imperative supplies to Japan. This was an effort to stop Japan’s interference in Southwest Asia without war. In fact, the United States never intended to declare war at all, and was looking for more peaceful solutions. Japan, however, refused to back down. In the summer of 1941, the United States, Netherlands, and Britain joined in a combined effort to freeze Japan’s assets. This was done in order to prevent the purchase of oil. The United States also moved their Pearl Harbor base to Hawaii, from San Diego. Feeling pressured by the demands of the United States, Japan’s military force felt that the movement of Pearl Harbor from San Diego to Hawaii was a threat to their expansion throughout Asia and the Pacific. With no settlements made on either side, the decision was made by Japan to attack the base in Pearl Harbor. Two centuries of tension between two countries, and a lack of communication, were the main reasons why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Neither side had the communication technology that we have today, and so telegrams and messages were understandably delayed. The result was a catastrophic attack that Japan felt was in their right. To this day there are still numerous other theories as to why the attack on Pearl Harbor took place, and hundreds of years from now there will likely still be

Monday, October 14, 2019

Beowulf and Grendel Essay Example for Free

Beowulf and Grendel Essay The animation used for the movie, Beowulf was simply superb. I thought the characters were human but after a while, I noticed that they move quite differently so I learned that it was actually a motion captured film, like the ones used in Polar Express and Monster House. The effects were good, and the characters really looked like the actors who played them. It’s amazing what technology can do these days. As for the story, I think some scenes are really violent and brutal. Like the part when Grendel, the monster, tore the head of one of the soldiers and ate it, it was disgusting. Some parts were also rated PG. ut overall, I think the plot was good. The character of Beowulf was very brave and courageous. From the beginning of the story, we can already tell that he is a hero and that he practices the code of honor (whatever that is). He was willing to sacrifice himself to save his people and the kingdom. I think he is also wise as the king. He didn’t fight the soldier who was trying to kill him, instead, send him off saying â€Å"He has a story to tell†. But the protagonists also have some poor qualities. For one, he didn’t think of the consequences when he gave in to Grendel’s mother’s advances. He also lied to king Hrothgar and his people when he told them that he killed Grendel’s mother. He did all that just so that he could have wealth and the crown. I also didn’t like the fact that he took a mistress, when his wife was still there. I think Queen Wealtheow is a wise and beautiful queen, what more could he ask for? Also, I think Ursula, the concubine, didn’t really love Beowulf. She was just submitting herself to him because he is of course, the king. I think the historical accuracy was good, the costume and the traditions; they even had the right accents.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Interpretation of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpretation of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri The process of analysis for this English Extended Essay on Interpretation of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri was definitely a journey where in I discovered and learnt a lot. When I was assigned this project, initially I was a little apprehensive about how to execute this extended essay. My teacher gave me a good briefing about the entire process which I had to follow for the execution of this analysis. I began by reading the novel in its entirety several times. Every time I read the different stories in this novel, it was like going on a new literary journey altogether. The realistic presentation of the characters by the author brought in life to them and at a point I no longer felt that I was a mere reader but transcended into the stories with the characters and played a mute spectator. Post having sufficient understanding of each story, I made note of the thematic aspects of each story, the stage setting and how this helped in portrayal of the mindset of each characters. I employed literary analytical aspects of thematic analysis, language analysis, stage setting analysis to give an in-depth analysis of the novel Interpretation of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. In the concluding part of this extended essay, I wound up by indicating the effect of the stories on the readers and why the readers could relate to each character as this is an important aspect of story narration and effective engagement of the reader. Introduction: The Interpreter of Maladies reflects the trauma of self-transformation through immigration which ends up being an attempt in futility as resultantly there is a series of broken identities that form multiple anchorages. Lahiris stories present the futile diasporic struggle to keep hold of culture as primary characters that of her stories create new lives in foreign cultures. Relationships, language, rituals, and religion all help these characters maintain their culture in new surroundings even as they build a hybrid realization as Asian Americans. But the lack of harmony and happiness ultimately makes the attempt a futile experience. Interpretation of Maladies brings to the forefront many complex issues with identity confronted by the Diaspora community. The book has the tales and experiences of first and second generation immigrants who are Indians, as well as a few tales comprising involving ideas of otherness among Indian communities. The stories focus around the complexities of several relationships, communication and a feeling of a loss of identity for individuals in diaspora. Despite where the tale takes place, the major players struggle with the similar feelings of exile and the struggle between the dual worlds by which they feel torn apart. The stories essentially deal with the always shifting lines between gender, sexuality, and social status within a diaspora. Whether the player in the tale is a homeless woman belonging to India or an Indian male pupil in the United States, all the characters show the effects of displacement in a diaspora. The characters in her stories dwell with a sense of dissatisfaction on account of their personal lives and experiences. The settings, narration, the mindsets of the characters and the interaction characters have with each other assist the readers in comprehending their plight and the futility of the situation. Findings and Analysis: Interpreter of Maladies: Jhumpas thematic presentation of futility in the Interpreter of Maladies is somewhat subtle yet effective. The setting is just about perfect with the character placement effectively facilitating the futility in their relationships and aspirations. The Central characters in this tale are Mr. and Mrs. Das and the tour guide Mr. Kapasi. The writer through the interactions of the Das couple with their children Tina, Bobby and Ronny present to us the fact that their relationship with their children lack perfection and to a great extent seems futile as the children do not seem to obey their parents and Mr. and Mrs. Das seem more of sibling to their children than their parents as they are constantly squabbling among themselves. Mrs. Das is evidently not interested in the relationship which seems futile to her and the very fact that she describes Mr. Kapasis job as an interpreter of maladies as a romantic one leads Mr. Kapasi to fantasize about her which eventually turns out to be a futile e xercise. An aspect which does not fail to draw attention of the reader is the instance when the Das couple are engaged in an argument as to who would take Tina to the bathroom is indicative of each one desire to shun responsibility. Here, a sense of futility is existent in the parental relationship the couple share towards their children. Jhumpa has utilized the lack of communication as an aspect to present the futility of the relationship all the characters are dwelling in. Mr. Das is presented as a character always buried in his guide book while Mrs. Das hides her inner self behind her sunglasses. Mr. Kapasi is trapped in a loveless futile marriage spending lonely nights drinking tea by himself. The futility of the relationship the Das family is in is very evident in the action of Mrs Das especially when she fails to offer puffed rice which she was gorging on by herself. The element of family sharing a meal fails to be present. This action of Mrs. Das indicates indifference and an underlying sense of hostility towards her spouse and children. The relationships they share is thus understood as being a futile relationship. Mr Kapasi reveals the futility of his existence as he is working as an interpreter feels that his job is a failure as he is a scholar of many languages. The dissatisfaction he experiences in the job of an interpreter leads to a sense of futility within him. Futility is further expressed by the character when he states that the job of an interpreter was taken to pay of medical bills of his son who had contracted thyroid. His sons death made his sacrifice of sorts a futile effort. Mr. Kapasis fantasy ride commences with Mrs. Das. It becomes very evident to Mr. Kapasi that the Das Couples relationship lacks charm and harmony and is futile. He begins to fantasize about Mrs. Das when she admires his job as that of an interpreter. His fantasy leads to a peak when he and Mrs. Das are conversing while staring at the nudity depicted in the form of temple carvings. The sensuality of the situation is well created by the writer by placing her characters in a setting which is erotic leading to temptation but futile desires. He decided to begin with the most obvious question, to get to the heart of the matter, and so he asked, Is it really pain you feel, Mrs. Das, or is it guilt? This quote appears towards the end of the story where Mrs. Das reveals the fact that Bobby is the son of a friend of Mr. Das whom she was intimate with while her husband was away. Mr. Kapasi questions her about her feeling and Mr. Kapasi makes one final interpretation. Mr. Kapasi feels that Mrs. Das desires absolution and not questioning, relief and not reflection. She and Mr. Kapasi are both lonely but the fact that they have differences keeps them apart thus making the possibility of a relationship futile. Revelation leads to futility. The revelation made by Mrs Das about the legitimacy of her child to Mr. Kapasi was the blow which tarnishes the fantasy of Mr. Kapasi. For a short spell of time, Mr. Kapasi was on an imaginative trip which proved baseless and futile as he failed to accept the person who he was daydreaming about to have a scandalous past as such. The revelation of Mrs. Das proves her infidelity further shattering the image of the Das family proving the fact that the relationship is more of an arrangement than a bonding of love. The writer has aptly used setting to bring all her vital characters in the scene and weaving a storyline in a natural way facilitating the flow of human emotions at their various moment of interaction. The writer crafts every character in a natural and believable manner leading us to realize the fact that there are several relationships where people are bound together for the sake of fulfilling an arrangement commenced to fulfill a certain purpose but the lack of depth and gravity of the relationship proves the relationship to be a futile on as in the case of Mr. and Mrs. Das and their relationship, Mr. Kapasi and his profession as an interpreter and a tour guide and his fascination for Mrs. Das which later on sours as he learns about her real self. With regards to being in India, Mr. and Mrs. Das fail to connect with the country India as their home but have a tourists perspective which is very evident when Mr. Das snaps away a picture of the starving peasant instead of helping him. When Bobby is need of help when surrounded by monkeys, Mr. Das is excited about the picture he clicks instead of immediately helping the boy. This indicates a lack of understanding and connection with each other and the country they are in which they understand as being home. Thus the trip too can be safely understood as being an exercise in futility. The camera of Mr. Das is symbolically employed by the writer to present the fact that Mr. Das view the world through his camera and in not in direct touch with reality. The camera proves to be an obstruction and proves to be a futile aspect blocking Mr. Dass chance to view the real world devoid his camera. Interpreter of Maladies is a story with a setting and dialogues which may not be larger than life but is as close and real as life could be though the writer presents her work as a fictionalized account of her imagination and creativity. A Temporary Matter: In this tale, the writer in all clarity wishes to point out that lack of trust and deceit in a relationship makes the existence of that relationship futile. The futility of the relationship of Shukumar and Shoba is visible to the reader as the play the game wherein they reveal to each other their secrets. We the readers learn that the element of deception is predominant and this causes the relationship to be extremely strained and leads to a point of deterioration and a point of no return. The couple indulges in lying to each other and the lies have been with selfish motives in mind. They avoid bring in discomfort to each other and their selves by indulging in not speaking the truth. They have lied to each other, and the lies have been selfish ones-told not to spare the others feelings but to allow the person telling the lie to escape some discomfort or sacrifice. The sanctity of their marriage to a good extent is at stake and to a large extent they do not seem to care about this fac t. The sweater incident reveals to the reader that they lie about petty issues. Shukumar had returned the sweater to get some money which he could use in order to get drunk to the core. The couple drifting apart commenced after the loss of their baby and the began to care less for each other and this is revealed by the fact that they have been lying unceremoniously. They no longer connect with each other emotionally and this indicates the fading of their relationship. When Shoba displays the fact that their sorrow was on account of a deceptive game, she is following a pattern which is established. All through the week of electricity cuts, Shoba can be seen attempting to reach out Shukumar. But in truth, she is working out her final separation from Shukumar. During the same time frame, the game that seems to be putting them together also displays a past filled with lies. Matters have hardly been as they seemed between these two individuals. To add to this, readers understand early in the tale that Shoba has always been the person to plan way ahead and that she maintains a separate bank account. Readers are left to think as to whether the pattern of deception will end or increase beyond repair. The story indicates a shift decisively towards a happy finale when, on the fifth evening, the writer declares, They had survived a difficult time. Shobas silent behavior that particular evening has been disrupted as the calm after a storm. But that understanding is as misleading as Shobas pattern of conduct has been. We, the readers, like the character of Shukumar, have been given complex signals and only understand at the end which set of aspects was reliable. The stage setting adds to the realm of this tale. To depict futility of the relationship of the protagonists, the writer places the Bradford couple as neighbors Mr. and Mrs. Bradford are neighbors of Shoba and Shukumar. Shoba and Shukumar often witness them strolling by, holding arm in arm, on their path to the bookshop on the second night of the power cut or failure. The Bradfords appear to be a happily married pair and as such make provision of a contrast to the main lead pair i.e. Shoba and Shukumar. The writer specifically mentions that the Bradfords kept a card of sympathy as a goodwill gesture in Shoba and Shukumars mailbox when their baby was lost. The light and dark stage setting present a realistic scenario where the reader can identify with the inner feeling of the characters. As the primary characters have their conflicts within their selves and with each other, the lightning assists in quick identification of their inert feeling. Here the writer, I opine has very meticulously employed the element of light and darkness to reveal the thought, apprehensions and turmoil of the characters making the presentation of the entire story line noteworthy. You went to answer the telephone in the other room. It was your mother, and I figured it would be a long call. I wanted to know if youd promoted me from the margins of your newspaper. Instead of looking for clues about her future husband or finding something of earth-shattering importance, she looks to see if she is making up the little details of Shukumars life. Again, it is clear that the little things mask the greater realities. Alienation further triggers of futility of the relationship. Shoba and Shukumars grief has led them to withdraw from each other. Until the nightly power outages began, they avoided each other. Shoba leaves for work early each morning, returns late, and often brings home extra work to occupy her evenings and weekends. When Shoba is home, Shukumar retreats to his computer and pretends to work on his dissertation. He has put the computer in the room that was to be the nursery because he knows that Shoba avoids that room. She comes in briefly each evening to tell him goodnight. He resents even this brief interaction, which Shoba initiates only out of a sense of obligation. Shoba and Shukumar do not attempt to comfort or support each other. Each withdraws from the relationship, and they endure their grief as if they were two strangers living in a boardinghouse. An important aspect to be noted about this story is the fact that the writers tone in presentation of this tale of grief, tragedy and deception is in totality neutral. This neutral tone is essentially employed to by the writer as the writer, I believe desires the readers form their own individual perspectives of each character and decide who and why they wish to empathize with. This style of presentation makes provision for an unbiased formation of a point of view on the part of the reader facilitated primarily by the writer. Many a times, writer tend to shadow their narrative with their personal and judgmental opinion which I believe that the writer here has refrained from doing so making this an exemplary work of art. Mrs. Sen: Mrs. Sen, the titular character of Lahiris story demonstrates the power that physical objects have over the human experience. This aspect is employed by the writer to display a sense of futility in the thoughts and existence of the titular character. During the entire story, Mrs. Sen is preoccupied with the presence or lack of material objects that she once had. Physically though Mrs. Sen is there where she is but mentally or rather emotionally she seems to be dwelling in another world, a world of the past. Whether it is fish from her native Calcutta or her special vegetable cutting blade, she has the tendency to cling to the material possessions that she is accustomed to, while firmly rejecting new experiences such as canned fish or even something as mundane as driving a car. At home that is all you have to do. Not everybody has a telephone. But just raise your voice a bit, or express grief or joy of any kind, and one whole neighborhood and half of another has come to share the news, to help with arrangements This moment illustrates that Mrs. Sen is referring to her neighborhood at home as a much more closely-knit community than that of the area where Eliot lives. Here she uses a slightly superior attitude when referring to her culture as opposed to Eliots, which helps her remain confident about staying true to her Indian roots while she physically lives in a different place. Lack of the ability of the central character of Mrs. Sen to transcend successfully and accept her new world presents the futility of the situation. Mrs. Sen being homesick is certainly understandable given her meaningless social life, her reflective nostalgic feeling deepens the situation to such an extent that she fails to relate to the individuals she meets in America and the eventually end up as no barrier to her acclimation. The person selling fish at the market fails to immediately address her as Mrs. Sen but he surely reserves special fish for her. The man of the law does not book her but just asks her questions after her car accident does not indict her. The writer presents all characters in the story as people who make life easy for her and facilitate the process of her settling down comfortable in America. But Inspite of all this, Mrs. Sen fails to settle in to any degree, drapes herself always in saris, serving to the mother of Eliot, Indian canapà ©s and putting aside com pletely the prospect of learning to drive. By conducting her life differently through recollected tales imprinted on her her saris, and her aerograms which are grainy, Mrs. Sen deliberately stays away from any kind of assimilation through the empowerment of material objects and what they mean to her. In this tale, 11-year old Eliot commences living with Mrs. Sen a professors wife after school. Mrs. Sen who is the caretaker cuts and makes meals as she tells Elliot tales of her past life in Calcutta, thereby assisting in crafting of her identity. Like A Temporary Matter, this stale is full of lists of produce, catalogs and recipes with descriptions. Stress is placed on ingredients and the mode of preparation. Other aspects are definitely emphasized as well, such as Mrs. Sens collection of saris which are multicolored brought in by her from India. The The entire storyline rotates around Mrs. Sens customary practice of purchasing fish from a seafood market locally. This fish helps in reminding Mrs. Sen of her house back and holds great importance to her. But reaching the seafood market needs driving, a skill that Mrs. Sen has failed to learn and is not interested in learning either. Towards the finale of the story, Mrs. Sen tries to learn to drive to the market without her better h alf but this attempt leads to a car accident. Eliot soon stops living with Mrs. Sen after this. Conclusion: To conclude with, I am of the conviction that Jhumpa Lahiri, the Pulitzer prize winner for this literary work of art The Interpretation of Maladies has undoubtedly excelled in creating a work of literary expression which presents human emotion and interaction in its rawest form. This makes each story believable and close to the readers heart. She has very well employed the human emotion of sorrow in most of the stories as this I believe is one emotion which every individual can deeply identify with and relate to. Her characters such as that of Mrs. Sen, Shoba, Sukumar, Mrs Das and the others are very realistic as they are presented as ordinary humans with issues which every other individual deals with. The added aspect to this realistic presentation is the fact that her characters are primarily migrants finding it hard to get acquainted to a European culture and are being confronted with culture issues and discrimination. She has woven a beautiful story line in each story and the rea ders are drawn enigmatically into her world and her style of storytelling which is essentially different in a unique way than their contemporaries. The stage setting employed in each story differs and is highly apt to the story complementing the story and presenting the characters in a comprehensive way. The Temporary Matter, Mrs. Sen, Interpretation of Maladies etc. has stage setting which make the story realistic and not deviate the attention of the writer. This is an important aspect which can be understood in her works. The language employed by the writer to present her characters is another vital aspect. The language is simple and precise without being dramatic. More importantly the body language of the character plays vital part in communicating the essence and the feeling within the characters. Each story of hers has message or a theme which is learnt by the reader in the process of acquainting himself in her stories. Her bring out themes of deception, love, tragedy, discrimination in a manner most beautiful and subtle.