Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay about Homosexuality - 1071 Words

Homosexuality My frustration with debate about homosexuality stems not so much from the arguments themselves, but the actual method of argument. Often, two â€Å"experts† will approach the topic from two radically different â€Å"expert† fields. One may be a New Testament scholar and thus draws out the intricacies of Romans 1:18-28 and the true meaning of the word â€Å"homosexual offender† (i.e. older man sleeping with a young boy) in that case. The other may be a biologist who appeals to natural logic and reproduction to defend sex as a behavior meant for heterosexuals. Both of them are right within their own expertise. But they cannot, then, debate, for it would be like Chuck pitching to a batter on another baseball field. I was†¦show more content†¦He believes that if Paul, as a scholar, were writing today, he would take into account the revealed wisdom of genetic, social/behavioral, and cultural research. If indeed creation reveals God’s workings, as Paul admitted in Romans 1:20, Paul would incorporate creation (even creation under a microscope) into his call for purity. Also, if cultures may intrinsically know God, then perhaps the prevalence of homosexuality in other cultures also falls under this creationistic perspective. He admits that his position leaves him open to accusations of arrogance, for it does not depend on a direct re-revelation from Jesus approving of homosexuality (38). However, he also has both Jesus and the Holy Spirit to defend his approach. Jesus, indeed, reinterpreted Jewish scripture through the lens of his own culture’s needs, revealing prophecies of the Old Testament as continued and fulfilled through him. The gospels, too, are the account of a story adapted to a particular audience. But the question remains, did that freedom of cultural interpretation cease when the Word Himself left this world? Here, Via has the Holy Spirit to call upon. Jesus tells his disciples: â€Å"When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are toShow MoreRelatedHomosexuality : Homosexuality And Homosexuality1600 Words   |  7 PagesKendall Bridges Mrs. Vest English 12 10 April 2015 You Wouldn t Understand, You re Not Gay Homosexuality is one of the most sensitive and talked about subjects among society today. Heterosexuals keep their mouths open negatively about gays. Whereas homosexuals decide to keep their lips sealed on the subject. Most straight individuals are ignorant to the fact and the being gay is all negative. They make up their own minds to not understand what it is about. They discriminate homosexuals everydayRead MoreHomosexuality And Its Views On Homosexuality1022 Words   |  5 PagesHomosexuality is relating to or characterized by a tendency of a direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex. 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